
On a physiological level, massage and bodywork increases circulation to all areas of the body, primarily to the muscles that are directly manipulated. Better circulation translates to more oxygen and nutrients for body tissues. Therapeutic massage and bodywork relieves muscle spasms; prevents muscle tears; sprains and strains; increases flexibility and enhances athletic performance. In addition, massage and bodywork directly or indirectly affects every system of the body and promotes health, prevents illness and injury, and speeds recovery.

Massage therapy and bodywork eases tension and helps people cope with stress more effectively. It slows racing thoughts and worries, helps consumers to reconnect with their body, and brings attention to the mental and physical needs of their bodies so that they may better take care of themselves. It promotes a sense of wholeness and helps enhance one's self-image, while keeping energy levels high. Massage therapy and bodywork can be effective in preventing illness and other physical ailments if received on a regular basis.

Other benefits of massage therapy and bodywork are to: